• Santana

    Santana is a quarter horse who came to us as a rescue. She is very energetic and intelligent. She has come a long way as she has learnt to trust her caregivers and has comfortably adjusted.

  • roscoe the donkey

    Roscoe was rehomed to our ranch and his favourite thing to do is bray and watch over the livestock. If there is a problem, Roscoe will bray until we inspect what he is showing us.

  • Lt. Dan

    Lt. Dan is a solid horse that is great for beginners. He is especially kid friendly and easy going when it comes to riding.

  • Bucky

    Bucky is our 10 month old Boer goat. He is very social and loves the attention to be on him.

  • dragon

    Dragon is our Straight Egyptian Arabian horse who has done cattle work training in Weatherford. He is very intelligent and fond of meeting new people.

  • kids

    This season turned out to be a surprise. Our goats produced two sets of twins and one set of triplets!

  • Peppy

    Peppy is a massive paint quarter horse who came to us as a project horse. His owner surrendered him and our goal was to get him back to a healthy weight and finding him a perfect home. He is very patient, kid friendly, and dog friendly.

  • Chickens

    We house 18 chickens total, two of which are roosters. Pictured above is Frank the rooster. He is shy when it comes to strangers but he is very sweet and works hard at protecting our hens.

  • Kit

    Pictured front and center is Kit. She is a Boer goat who produced twin kids in February 2022. Both kids are pictured to her left, a boy and a girl.

  • Patten

    Patten is our young Anatolian Shepherd-Great Pyrenees mix. He is about 10 months old and he keeps our livestock safe. He is very friendly yet protective of his friends.

  • Mattis

    “Mad Dog” Mattis is the brother of Patten. He is also an Anatolian Shepherd-Great Pyrenees cross. He is a friendly giant that is also protective of his farm friends.

  • Lincoln

    Lincoln is our one and a half year old working line German Shepherd. While he is a guard dog, he also works as a livestock guard dog. He is great with horse, cows, chickens, ducks, and cats. He is very child friendly and when he is not working, his favorite thing to do is collect sticks and play fetch.


Pictured left is Gingie, a Dorper-Babydoll Southdown Sheep. To his right is Shrek, a full Babydoll Southdown Sheep. Both are very vocal when they are called and they are very welcoming of new animals.


Our two male alpacas are about 6 months old. They have quite the personality on them and love to play in water. Their third companion in their little group is a goat who was raised with the alpacas.

Rascal and Hyacinth

Rascal is our young Angus bull who is very friendly and loves to be groomed by everyone. Pictured to his right is Hyacinth, our Angus bottle baby. She is a sweet heart but very demanding at feeding time. Both cows will answer to their names and come hauling when called!


Pictured from left to right are Pua, Pinky, Oreo, and Doc. Pua is our little Juliana Pig. She is still shy with people, but bring her feed and she will love you. Oreo and Pinky are kunekune pigs who are siblings and very demanding about their feed. Lastly, we have Doc who is a potbelly big and is very protective of our piglets.

Carl the llama

This is our male llama named Carl. He’s an owner surrender who came to us in June 2022. He is in the process of being halter broke. He is still shy with people, but once he warms up to you, he is the sweetest thing ever.

pasture Raised eggs

Our pasture-raised eggs come from pasture raised hens that roam freely on 15 acres. Because of this, the eggs at Lynn’s Meadow has an enhanced flavor compared to the eggs bought in store. Hens that spend time outdoors were found to have 3 times the vitamin D3 compared to eggs from hens that do not have access to the outdoors. In addition to this, pasture raised eggs have less saturated fat, increased vitamins A, E, and D, more Omega-3 fatty acids, and more beta carotene.